The Australian Education Index provides a complex and sophisticated subscription database consisting of nearly 220 000 entries relating to educational research, policy and practice. Relevant to a wide range of people interested in education from schools and universities as well as the researcher, it covers the period 1979 to the present.

AEI is produced by Cunningham Library at the Australian Council for Educational Research as one of its specialist databases. AEI is available online through subscriptions with Informit, Proquest, Transmission Books and Microinfo Co (Taiwan). For subscription information via Informit, see the website. For information about access via other subscriptions, see further details below.

Subscribe via these services

The Australian Education Index and also A+ Education are available on the web via Informit Online. A+ Education is based on ACER's Australian Education Index (AEI). There are over 245 comprehensively or selectively indexed journals for which full-text articles are available. In total, there are links to over 84 000 full text documents, such as reports, conference papers and journals from the database. For subscription information, see the Informit website.

The Australian Education Index is available on the Proquest platform. For subscription information, see the Proquest website and its AEI information page at

The Australian Education Index is available online with a Chinese language interface from Transmission Books and Microinfo Co in Taiwan. This database is updated quarterly. For information, see the Transmission Books website and its AEI page at