The Global Academic Challenge offers schools the chance to see how their students’ results compare to their Australian and international peers.
Administering the Challenge

1 session per learning area
Allow one session of 60 minutes to complete each learning area challenge.

Online test platform
Delivered in your ACER school account, through our trusted delivery platform.

Supportive, responsive team
Our friendly support team are available 9 am - 5 pm AEST, Monday to Friday.
Request sample questions
To help determine the appropriateness of the Challenge for each of your students and to help familiarise your students with the format of the questions, we recommend requesting sample questions to review.
Request accessibility accommodations
Please advise us of any special considerations that your students may require and we will work with you to provide appropriate accommodations. Accommodations must be approved by ACER prior to students commencing the Challenge.
To participate in the Global Academic Challenge, first register your school and then place your order.
Register your school for the Challenge
Registration is free and ensures you receive the support materials and updates you need to run the competition at your school.
Registrations are now open for our Spring session, 28 August - 8 September 2023.
$15 per student per subject
Orders open 18 July 2023. You can purchase assessments through the store of your ACER school account.
Benefits for the whole school
Webinar: Introducing the Global Academic Challenge
Find out more about ACER’s new academic competition by attending one of our introductory webinars.
Frequently asked questions
How can I prepare my students for the Challenge?
Schools can request access to samples to familiarise students with the format of the questions, however, no other practice or revision is required as the Challenge focuses on a student’s ability to apply their understanding of each learning area in unfamiliar contexts, rather than use their knowledge of curriculum. Request samples
Is it possible for my students to participate in only one learning area of the Challenge?
Yes, every student does not need to take all learning areas within the Global Academic Challenge. You can opt for all your students to take the same one or two challenges, for example, Mathematics and Reading only. You can also select which students take which challenge, for example, you may want some of your students to only complete Mathematics and others to only complete Reading.
How much time should I set aside for my school to prepare for the Challenge?
Administration time for the Global Academic Challenge is minimal. You can find all the steps involved in ensure your school is set up for the Challenge in our Preparation Guide. Our customer support team are always available for any questions you may have, so please reach out with any queries.