Loans and copies are a member only service. For more information see the membership page.

Please submit a separate order form for each request, detailing complete bibliographic information.


Cunningham Library dispatches loans within 5 days via Australia Post, delivery times may vary.


Copies of journal articles, conference papers and chapters of books indexed in the Australian Education Index can be obtained directly from the Library provided that:

  • Only one copy is requested
  • Another copy has not been obtained from another source
  • Only one article from a journal issue is requested (unless for the same research or the same course of study)
  • If a chapter from a book, only one chapter or 10% or the work is requested
  • The copy is required only for research or study.

Copies are delivered by email within 5 working days of the request.


Theses from universities and colleges are not available and should be requested from the awarding institution.

* mandatory fields

Libraries may request interlibrary loans or document delivery using Libraries Australia

Document Delivery or email the Library at

Borrowers from an organisation or school must be library members to request resources.

Item type *

Conditions of supply for copies of articles and chapters

Your request for a copy will only be processed if you accept the Copyright Agreement. Copyright declaration as required under S49 of the Copyright Act 1968:

I declare that :

  1. I require this copy for the purpose of research or study.
  2. I will not use it for any other purpose.
  3. A Cunningham Library staff member has not previously supplied me with a copy.


Conditions of service

  • Requests must comply with the fair dealing and library provision of the Australian Copyright Act, 1968.
  • Cunningham Library will make reasonable efforts to supply the requested work but cannot guarantee that it can supply the document requested. If the document cannot be supplied you will be notified as soon as possible.
  • Requests for which full details have not been provided will not be accepted.