
CSPA Reading tasks are based on a broad range of texts designed or chosen for their authenticity and relevance to the lives of adults.

The current automatically scored CSPA Writing assessment contains two short writing tasks. The first requires the candidate to write a note to their neighbour about a noisy dog, whilst the next then sees candidates write a more formal letter to their local council about the same issue. Results from the two tasks combined provide a more reliable picture of a candidate's writing ability.

Writing assessments are not included in the bulk licence and are purchased separately.

CSPA Numeracy questions are set in a range of authentic situations relevant to adult learners, with a focus on workplace and employment, education and training and also personal and community contexts and applications.

A new component of the CSPA, the Snapshot Reading and Numeracy Indicator (SRNI), is an efficient indicator assessment tool that sets out to identify those VET learners most at risk in relation to their literacy and numeracy skills.

ACER test development process

Developing robust assessments

ACER has an extensive process that guarantees the quality of the stimulus materials and assessment items that make up any assessment tool that is developed.

CSPA assessments aligned across the ACSF image

CSPA assessments aligned across the ACSF

Aligning to the ACSF – The ACER way

ACER uses a combination of empirical data and professional judgement to map each question against the ACSF. The questions are then trialled to enable the items to be checked for performance validity.

Assessing the individual image

Assessing the individual

Adaptive assessments

In order to more accurately assess individual capabilities, the CSPA Reading and Numeracy assessments utilise an integrated adaptive screening component.

Support your candidates image

Support your candidates

Practice assessment & resources

The availability of a Practice Assessment is an opportunity to support learners who have not had a lot of experience working on computers or those with little experience in answering literacy or numeracy assessment questions.