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What is TIMSS?

TIMSS explores how well Year 4 and Year 8 students have mastered the factual and procedural knowledge taught in school mathematics and science classes.

Which Australians took part?

Australian students


Australian schools

representing about

students nationally

Australia’s mean score in each TIMSS cycle, by year level and subject.

International comparisons

Significantly lower than Australia Significantly lower than Australia
Not significantly different to Australia Not significantly different to Australia
Significantly higher than Australia Significantly higher than Australia

Number of countries performing at a higher, similar and lower level than Australia in TIMSS 2023.

Year 4 maths Year 8 maths Year 4 science Year 8 science
Performed at a higher level than Australia 14 8 4 7
Performed at a similar level to Australia 10 8 4 7
Performed at a lower level than Australia 33 25 49 27

Students achieving Intermediate benchmark

(Australia’s proficient standard)

Proportion of students who attained the TIMSS Intermediate international benchmark.

Year 4 maths Year 8 maths Year 4 science Year 8 science
Australia 72% 64% 83% 70%
International average 70% 55% 70% 56%
England 80% 71% 85% 73%
Singapore 93% 89% 93% 89%

Australian student proficiency by demographic group

Australian student proficiency by demographic group

Proportion of Australian students who attained the TIMSS Intermediate international benchmark (Australia’s National Proficient Standard) by demographic profile.

Year 4 maths Year 8 maths Year 4 science Year 8 science
Girls 68% 61% 83% 68%
Boys 76% 67% 84% 71%
First Nations 45% 33% 63% 44%
Non-First Nations 76% 67% 86% 73%
Major cities 75% 67% 85% 72%
Regional areas 64% 55% 80% 64%



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