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Research shows a significant improvement in language skills when teaching is combined with an effective assessment plan

Plan your teaching for the right level based on externally validated assessments. Improve student motivation with competency levels that recognise achievement.

Independently produced assessments allow effective benchmarking

ALC assessments offer you a tool that uses independent benchmarking to deliver a structured approach to learning a language at the right level for your students.

Native speaker audio

Assessment listening tasks delivered by native language speakers are a more immersive teaching tool.

Our commitment to using native language audio builds the confidence of your students.


Instant reporting for all ALC tests at individual and group levels

Group report
Question performance report
Rank distribution listing
Individual report
Click the images for bigger versions and more information

Secure assessments available when it suits you

ACER’s online platform allows you to spend less time on administration and planning tests and more time making the most of the insights from effective language assessment.

7 Million assessments
per year

Proven and tested delivery day-in and day-out
10 000+ candidates
per week

Deliver your assessments with confidence via our robust platform
70+ countries

Trusted around the world to deliver assessments online since 2011
Getting the most from ALC tests

ALC tests are supported by free webinar training resources to help effectively and efficiently integrate language competence testing into your everyday teaching practices.

Sample and practice materials are available to aid the pre-assessment of students to help inform the appropriate testing level.

  •  Administering the ALC Introducing the online platform, previewing ALC levels, adminstering ALC tests and introduction to reports.
  •  Maximising results through reporting Generating online ALC reports and how to use them to guide classroom teaching.

Recognising achievement

Students who successfully complete both listening and reading tests will receive a printed certificate

Order ALC tests