Survey your students to understand their current stage of character development.

ACER's Attitudes and Values Questionnaire takes 15 minutes and is supported by instant reporting. Gather insights about students' conscience , compassion, emotional growth and service to others.

Online and confidential

Students anonymously respond to a series of statements discerning their attitudes and values within different social dimensions.

There are three survey forms available for students in years 7-12, with the option to include religious dimensions.

Tablet device showing a graph with a closeup

Instantly review school-wide reports

Reports provide:

  • a useful summary of results
  • a breakdown of results by specific area
    and individual survey questions
  • results reported by year-level and gender
  • comparative data between your school
    and other schools using the survey
  • confidentiality for students, with student
    identity kept anonymous.

Download a sample report

Free 30-day trial

Please get in touch with our team to discuss whether AVQ is right for your school or to set up a free 30-day trial.

I'm interested in a 30-day trial

The questionnaire supports schools to:

  • Understand how students are developing and whether they are absorbing your school’s values
  • Use the data to inform initiatives, track their impact and share the uptake of values to the school community
  • Test past students to see how their attitudes and values have developed since graduation.

The results from AVQ helps schools make judgements about the ways in which they encourage students to adopt school principles and to identify areas of concern or future action.

AVQ is suitable for all secondary students, separate year levels or specific student groups. Administering the survey annually or bi-annually allows schools to measure development trends.

A pie chart demonstrating an illustrative breakdown of results

Backed by decades of research

Since 1997, ACER’s Attitudes and Values Questionnaire has been a popular choice for Australian schools interested in testing the social and emotional capacity of students. Originating as a project for John XXIII College in Perth, it has attracted international demand and is now also available for international clients outside of Australia.


The AVQ is delivered via the ACER's online platform.

Option 1: 12 month license

Maximum school enrolment One assessment program Two assessment programs Additional assessment programs
100 students $525 $725 $115
200 students $880 $1220 $190
400 students $1345 $1790 $245
800 students $1780 $2345 $335
1200 students $2680 $3575 $490
More than 1200 students $3600 $4835 $595

License cost is based on whole-school enrolment number. License period begins upon purchase of first assessment program.
^Cost of third assessment program and additional. Additional assessment programs are valid for the remainder of the existing license period.
Pricing is shown in AUD

Option 2: Individual student cost for online assessment and reporting.

Must be pre-purchased.

Per student administration $10

Existing account Create new account

Contact us to find out how AVQ can help support your school

Reach out to our team at for more information or complete this form.

I'm interested in a free 30-day trial of AVQ