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For training organisations, educational institutions, universities, business and industry OWA provides:

  • evidence that can be used to provide additional support improving individual learning and clear information on how to build and tailor programs to engage and retain learners
  • information to help evaluation and management of learning resources and support; in terms of trainer readiness to close skill gaps, time required and teaching resources
  • data and benchmarks of required/existing levels of writing skills
  • advanced analysis techniques that offer instant diagnostic feedback on candidates' writing skills
  • the ability to identify gaps in the writing skills of employees/learners and to offer individual or group training for upskilling
  • Increased organisational competitiveness and confidence in employee capabilities
  • a reduction in trainer time dedicated to developing marking guides and marking
  • reports that pinpoint writing strengths and areas of weakness of learners
  • a common reporting scale for both writing tasks allowing trainers to compare differences in writing styles in different contexts