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The SYLF is offered at two levels:

Senior Years Learning Framework, Standard Level (incorporating the nationally accredited Certificate II in Work Preparation)

Students undertaking the SYLF at Standard Level will complete six units of learning, each taken over a minimum of two years.

The units of learning are:

  1. Industry learning
  2. Personal development
  3. Employability skills
  4. Literacy
  5. Numeracy
  6. ICT Literacy

Completion of the SYLF at Standard Level incorporates an accredited Certificate II that includes general subjects as well as a nominated vocational option.

For more detailed information on the standard course, visit SYLF Standard Level.

Senior Years Learning Framework, Advanced Level

Students undertaking the SYLF at Advanced Level will complete six units of learning, each taken over a minimum of two years.

The units of learning are:

  1. Industry learning
  2. Personal development
  3. English (compulsory) and languages
  4. Humanities, social sciences
  5. Mathematics, science or technology
  6. Creative arts

For more detailed information on the advanced course, visit SYLF Advanced Level.

Students completing the SYLF who want to be considered for university entrance will also need to complete an additional assessment, uniTEST (a test that assesses the kinds of generic reasoning and thinking skills underpinning studies at the higher education level).