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Abstracts submission

ICAL welcomes abstracts from a wide variety of interdisciplinary and theoretical perspectives

Present your study at ICAL 2024

Chosen abstracts will be assigned a presentation slot in the program.

Submit abstract

Submission topics

Applied psychometrics

  • Item development, test adaptation, and equating
  • Data analysis
  • New frontiers in psychometrics

Educational assessment

  • System transformation and policy
  • Use of technology in educational/psychological assessment
  • Language and literacy assessment
  • Advances in educational assessment
  • Equity in education (GEDSI)

Monitoring and evaluation

  • Methodologies and indicators in policy implementation
  • Building evidence through program monitoring and evaluation
Submit abstract

Professional and capacity development in education (system review & transformation)

  • Professional development of teacher and educational personnel
  • Classroom action research

Psychology and education

  • Wellbeing and schooling
  • Learning and cognition
  • Meta-cognitive and non-cognitive assessment
  • Assessment of gifted, talented, and special needs learners

Publication of study

Conference proceedings will be published for the participants who are accepted to present their research at ICAL 2024 and submit their full paper.

Other publication opportunities are available in accordance with each of the proceedings or journals’ focus and requirements.

Scientific Committee

ICAL 2024 scientific committee and reviewers are all experts in the field of Assessment, Psychometrics, and Educational Policy & Evaluation. Following a peer-review process, participants will be notified privately on the acceptance of their abstract.​

  • Bahrul Hayat, PhD - University of Chicago
  • Bakir Haryanto, PhD - Flinders University
  • Daniel Edwards, PhD - Monash University
  • Dr Eviana Hikamudin - Indonesia University of Education
  • Maurice Walker - University of Melbourne
  • Prof Pauline Taylor-Guy - James Cook University
  • Dr Suprananto - Yogyakarta State University
  • Urip Purwono, PhD - University of Massachusetts Amherst
  • Dr Weni Endahing Warni - Airlangga University
  • Dr Yunita Faela Nisa - University of Indonesia


  • Adiyo Roebianto - Al Azhar University
  • Alvin Vista, PhD - University of Melbourne
  • Ananta Yudiharso, Msi - Gadjah Mada University
  • Prof Awaluddin Tjalla - Jakarta State University
  • Bakir Haryanto, PhD - University of Flinders
  • Bambang Sumintono, PhD - Indonesian International Islamic University
  • Catherine Stuckings - Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University
  • Prof Dr Ir Dewa Gede Hendra Divayana, SKom, MKom, IPM, ASEANEng - Ganesha University of Education
  • Dimas Aryo MSc - Airlangga University
  • Etti Rahmawati MSi- Universiti Sains Malaysia
  • Eunjung Lee, PhD - University of Iowa
  • Prof Dr Ir Ford Lumban Gaol, SSi, MKom - Bina Nusantara University
  • Dr Fuchun Huang- The Graduate University for Advanced Studies Japan
  • Katherine Dix, PhD - Flinders University
  • Prof Dr Kusaeri, MPd - Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya
  • Dr Ling Tan - Monash University
  • Luc Le, PhD - University of Melbourne
  • Prof Dr Drs Muchlas Suseno, MPd - Jakarta State University
  • Naoki Ikeda, PhD - University of Melbourne
  • Rebecca Taylor, PhD - University of Melbourne
  • Sladana Krstic, PhD - University College London
  • Steven Kambouris, BA(Hons), MSc - University of Melbourne
  • Sukaesi Marianti, PhD - University of Twente
  • Tim Friedman, PhD - Monash University
  • Dr Ursula Schwantner - Paris Lodron University of Salzburg
  • Wahyu Widhiarso, SPsi, MA - Gadjah Mada University
  • Wolfram Schulz, PhD - University of Rostock

Advisory Board

  • Prof Geoff Masters AO - University of Chicago
  • Mariam Kartikatresni - ACER Indonesia

Event Committee

  • Ajeng Lesmini - ACER Indonesia
  • Biyan Iskandar - ACER Indonesia
  • Tamma Musholeha - ACER Indonesia

Contact us

For all conference enquiries

Email us or call +62 21 2751 6999

Key dates

Abstract submission deadline

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Payment closes

Friday 6 September 2024