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Reports Released

The Australian Government Department of Education released the reports  from the Staff in Australia’s Schools (SiAS) 2013 survey in October 2014. The Main Report  provides findings for primary and secondary teachers and school leaders (principals and deputy principals) across all of the areas of the survey. The Supplementary Report  analyses the results for teachers in selected primary and secondary curriculum areas.

What is the Staff in Australia's Schools (SiAS) survey?

This is an Australia-wide survey to collect information from school teachers and leaders about their background and qualifications, their work, their career intentions, and school staffing issues. The survey involves:

  • Primary and secondary schools
  • Government, Catholic and independent schools
  • All states and territories

This survey has been approved by the Australian Government Statistical Clearing House.  The approval number is 01874-04.  You may phone the Statistical Clearing House on (02) 6252 5285 to verify the approval number.

Who commissioned the survey?

The Australian Government through its Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR) commissioned the survey.

SiAS is supported by government and non-government school authorities in all states and territories, teacher education institutions, principals’ associations and teacher unions. The Advisory Committee is listed below.

Who is conducting the survey?

The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) has been commissioned to conduct the survey.

ACER is Australia's leading educational research and development organisation. Founded in 1930, ACER is an independent body that has long worked with Australian schools and teachers to improve schooling. 

What are the purposes?

The survey is intended to provide:

  • a descriptive picture of the teacher workforce, including demographic information such as gender, age, qualifications and work roles;
  • information to assist in planning for the future, including data from current teachers and school leaders about their employment intentions and career plans, and staffing issues that schools are facing; and
  • changes since the first SiAS surveys in 2006-07 and 2010.

The information will help inform important workforce issues such as teacher career and retirement intentions, and current teacher shortages.

The survey will provide critical information for governments, teacher educators, professional associations and teachers in planning the future of Australia's schools.

Who is advising on the survey?

The Advisory Committee includes representatives from:

Government school sector

  • ACT Department of Education and Training (DET)
  • New South Wales Department of Education and Communities (DEC)
  • Northern Territory Department of Education and Children's Services (DECS)
  • Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment (DETE)
  • South Australian Department of Education and Child Development (DECD)
  • Tasmanian Department of Education (DoE)
  • Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD)
  • Western Australian Department of Education (DoE)

Non-government school sector

  • Independent Schools Council of Australia (ISCA)
  • National Catholic Education Commission (NCEC)

National Associations

  • Australian Council of Deans of Education (ACDE)
  • Australian Education Union (AEU)
  • Australian Heads of Independent Schools of Australia (AHISA)
  • Australian Primary Principals Association (APPA)
  • Australian Secondary Principals Association (ASPA)
  • Catholic Secondary Principals Australia (CaSPA)
  • Independent Education Union of Australia (IEUA)

Australian Government

  • Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS)
  • Department of Education, Employment and Workplace Relations (DEEWR)

What is the timeline?

The project commenced in December 2012 and will conclude in December 2013. The online survey opened in May and closed on 27 August 2013.

How will schools and teachers be selected?

Schools will be randomly selected to provide representative samples according to location, school type and level of schooling. All teachers in the sampled schools will be invited to take part.

Is participation compulsory?

No, participation by schools and teachers is voluntary. However, in order to maximise the value of the survey all invited schools and teachers are urged to take part. The survey is supported by teacher employers, principal associations and teacher unions.

How will the survey be administered?

Principals of the sampled schools will be invited by ACER to take part. Teachers in the participating schools will be provided with information about how to log-in to the secure website. The survey is available online. There is an option to complete the survey in hard copy and mail it to ACER via freepost.

How long will the survey take?

About 20 minutes.

Is the information confidential?

Yes. All information provided by teachers and school leaders is strictly confidential. No individual school or teacher will be identified in any data or reporting.

What feedback will schools receive?

ACER will provide participating schools with a summary of the main results. In addition there will be widespread media coverage of the full report and associated articles. Schools will also have access to the main report and any additional published reports (e.g. see below)

Where can I obtain the results of SiAS 2007/2010?

The results from 2007 and 2010, including supplementary reports, were available from:

Need further information?


Free call from any landline in Australia: 1800 991 548

The SiAS project team:

  • Phillip McKenzie (Project Director)
  • Glenn Rowley
  • Paul Weldon (Project Manager)
  • Martin Murphy
  • Stephanie Brill (Project Officer)
  • Rosie Fields (School Liaison)
  • Ian Nottage (School Liaison)