
Student engagement and the AUSSE

Student engagement is linked with high-quality learning outcomes. Understanding and effectively managing students' engagement in higher education plays a significant role in enhancing learning processes and outcomes for students. Data from the Australasian Survey of Student Engagement (AUSSE) provides information on the time and effort students devote to educationally purposeful activities and on students' perceptions of the quality of other aspects of their university experience. The information collected by the AUSSE can be used by higher education institutions to improve student outcomes, manage and monitor resources, programs and services, and help identify how to attract, and importantly, retain students..

Latest AUSSE research briefings

Uniting teachers and learners

Dropout DNA, and the genetics of effective support

Working on a dream: Educational returns from off-campus paid work

Previous research briefings could be found in reports section

2012 AUSSE reports

In 2012, over 30 institutions across Australia and New Zealand participated in the AUSSE. During late July and August close to 50,000 students and teaching staff participated in the AUSSE. The 2012 AUSSE Institution Reports and institution data files are now available via the reports section of this website.

2013 AUSSE

The 2013 AUSSE is currently in the field. If you have any queries about participating in 2013 or beyond, please contact us at ausse@acer.edu.au or call Ms Ali Radloff on +61 3 9277 5742