ACER India launches International Professional Learning Programme 2018
ACER news 21 Sep 2018 1 minute readRegistrations are now open for an exciting new professional learning program run by ACER India.
ACER India invites school leaders and teachers to participate in its inaugural International Professional Learning Programme (IPLP), a 10-day immersion experience being held in Melbourne, Australia, 23 November–2 December 2018.
The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) is a global leader in educational research and assessment, and its networks in education – in Australia and beyond – are second to none. This is your chance to meet Australian policymakers and practitioners, enjoy seminars presented by global education leaders and experts, experience first-hand the Australian learning environment through school visits and take part in a series of stimulating cultural activities.
For more information, please download the IPLP 2018 brochure. Registrations are now open and places are filling fast.