ACER Corporate
Australian Council for Educational Research - Improving Learning.

BOLDE - The Blended Online Learning & Distance Education research bank
The Blended Online Learning & Distance Education research bank. A source of information & research on online & distance education for educators & researchers.

Learning Ground
Indigenous Education Research from around the world.

DERN - Digital Education Research Network
A network for leaders, researchers and educators interested in the use of digital technologies for learning.

Database of Research on International Education
Database of Research on International Education. Books, articles & reports on international students, study abroad, etc.

Teacher Magazine
A new online national publication for school educators.

Australian STEM Video Game Challenge
The inaugural Australian STEM Video Game Challenge is designed to develop skills and engagement with STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) areas through fun, creativity, problem solving and ingenuity.

Australian Journal of Education
The Australian Journal of Education informs educational researchers and educators about contemporary research issues in education.

International Student Admissions Test (ISAT)
Updates for international students applying to medicine, dentistry, veterinary science and physiotherapy courses at a selection of universities.

Graduate Medical School Admissions Test (GAMSAT)
Updates for students applying to medicine at a selection of universities.