ACER Scottish Online Formative Assessments are available to schools now - summer term free for new schools
Feature 29 Mar 2022 1 minute readSchools that sign up for the next academic year (2022/23) will receive summer term AY2021/22 (after the Easter holidays) free of charge.
Scottish Online Formative Assessments (SOFA) is an assessment tool that is currently used in schools in Scotland and is available for purchase across the country. SOFA provides valuable data and enables teachers to support learners with further insights into their individual educational needs.
The online assessments are available for years Primary 2 to Secondary 1 in Numeracy, Reading and Writing. All assessments were specifically developed for use in Scotland and are relevant to Curriculum for Excellence.
Reports are available to teachers immediately upon children and young people having completed the assessments. Learners’ results are reported on ACER’s familiar progressive achievement scale.