NSW Curriculum Review Interim Report released
ACER news 22 Oct 2019 2 minute readThe NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA) today released the Interim Report of the NSW Curriculum Review.
The state’s K-12 school curriculum review is being led by Professor Geoff Masters AO, Chief Executive of the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). The review aims to ensure that the curriculum is preparing students to meet the challenges and opportunities of the 21st century.
The Interim Report proposes changes to the content of the curriculum, the structure of the curriculum and the senior school curriculum, based on the review team’s conversations held across the state and more than 2000 online submissions.
To find out more visit the NSW Education Standards Authority curriculum review website.
For media enquiries, including interview requests, please contact the NSW Education Standards Authority media line on +61 2 9367 8248.