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Foundations in Applied Measurement in Education


Item Response Theory (IRT) short courses cover:

  • introductory concepts and theoretical understanding of educational assessment and measurement
  • item and test analysis
  • differential item functioning
  • test equating
  • psychometric analysis reports
  • large-scale analysis of educational data

COURSES 1 AND 2 COURSES 1 AND 2 Focus on the theoretical foundations that are essential to educational measurement.

COURSES 3 TO 8 Focus on applying the skills and require ACER ConQuest® software. Course 7 and 8 is offered for advanced analysis of large-scale education data.

For more information about ACER ConQuest®, please go to the ACER ConQuest® webpage

FAME 1 Foundations of educational measurement

Introduces the foundational concepts of educational assessment and measurement. Examines key concepts of reliability, validity, latent variables and measurement error. Covers basic statistical concepts used in educational measurement and reporting.

Beginner level or refresher
1 day
No additional software

FAME 2 Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory

Provides a broad overview of technical aspects of constructing measures, starting with a brief overview of Classical Test Theory and Item Response Theory, highlighting key differences between them. Participants will learn to evaluate how different data and metrics can contribute evidence about the validity and reliability of measures, with an initial focus on the quality assurance of assessment tasks and test questions. The course ends with practical exercises where participants will interpret a range of psychometric analysis outputs giving due consideration to measurement error.

Advanced beginners / FAME 1
1 day
No additional software

FAME 3 Item and test analysis using ACER ConQuest®

Involves conducting and interpreting a psychometric analysis of a multiple-choice assessment using ACER ConQuest® software to inform refinements to an existing measure. It analyses assessment items where partial credit scoring applies. Participants apply both the Rasch model and the one parameter logistic (IRT) model. Participants will work with models for dichotomous and for polytomous data.

Intermediate–proficient level / FAME 1&2 / Experienced analysts
1.5 days
ACER ConQuest® software

FAME 4 Differential Item Functioning (DIF)

Explores important validity and comparability questions through an Item Response Theory paradigm by introducing participants to Differential Item Functioning (DIF) and requiring them to undertake a DIF analysis using ACER ConQuest®.

Proficient–advanced / FAME 1–3 / Experienced analysts
2 days
ACER ConQuest® software

FAME 5 Test equating

Explores test equating methods using the one parameter logistic (IRT) model. Participants will learn to equate 2 assessments on a common measurement scale through common item equating.

Advanced / FAME 1–3 / Experienced analysts
2 days
ACER ConQuest® software

FAME 6 Automated psychometric analysis reports with conquestr

Introduces participants to the conquestr package that interfaces with ACER ConQuest® software. Participants will use R and RStudio with conquestr output to produce an automated and reproducible psychometric analysis and reporting workflow for quality assuring multiple-choice assessments.

Advanced / FAME 1–3 / Experienced analysts
1.5 days
ACER ConQuest®, conquestr and RStudio software

FAME 7 Working with plausible values

Introduces the theory behind different item response models and case ability estimation routines that can be used to estimate population parameters reliably. Participants will apply this knowledge to fit a combined item response and population model, similar to those seen in large-scale assessment programs such as NAPLAN and the Programme for International Student Assessment, and to correctly apply the law of total variance to undertake secondary analysis to yield unbiased population parameter estimates.

Advanced / FAME 1–6 / Experienced analysts
2 days
ACER ConQuest®, conquestr and RStudio software

FAME 8 Complex survey designs in large-scale assessment

Introduces complex survey designs used in large scale assessment programs to accurately estimate population parameters that are representative of national or sub- national populations of interest. Participants will apply this knowledge to correctly apply the law of total variance to undertake secondary analysis to yield unbiased population parameter estimates using plausible values, and in addition using replicate weights to perform re-sampling to account for sampling error.

Advanced / FAME 1–6 / Experienced analysts
2 days
ACER ConQuest®, conquestr and RStudio software


  • Bundle 1: Courses 1 through 3 $2700
  • Bundle 2: Courses 1 through 6 $5500
  • Bundle 3: Courses 3 through 6 $4400
  • Bundle 4: Courses 7 and 8 $3000

Optional: Bring your own data (BYOD) sessions for Course 3 and 4 $500 per session

  • provides participants with an opportunity to apply newly learnt skills to their own data, share results with facilitators and have live Q&A.
  • a 1-hour workshop (in addition to standard inclusions) for each BYOD session.

All prices are shown ex GST

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Tailored courses for your organisation

Organisations can have bespoke tailored versions of FAME delivery, suited to the needs of the individual organisation, collaborating with ACER to define scope.

For more information about pricing and tailored group sizes contact