Our mission is to create and promote research-based knowledge, products and services that can be used to improve learning across the lifespan. We are a not-for-profit research organisation established in Australia.
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ACER locations
ACER has more than 400 staff in offices around the world.
Latest articles
A PATH to using AI well in education
Tuesday, 25 Mar 2025ACER has developed an educators’ guide to ethical and effective use of AI. PhD student Jonathan Brazil, Dr Suijing Yang and Dr Fabienne van der Kleij explain how it was developed and how it can be used.
Read articleRumah Anak SIGAP by Tanoto Foundation Supports Holistic Early Childhood Development for Ages 0-3
Thursday, 20 Mar 2025Tanoto Foundation, ACER Indonesia, and Myriad Research collaborated to evaluate the impact of the Rumah Anak SIGAP program.
Read articleMaths strengths and struggles identified in new PISA report
Tuesday, 11 Mar 2025A new report by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) identifies how students achieved in core areas of mathematics viewed globally as key in preparing them for adult life.
Read articleACER Foundation
The ACER Foundation initiates, develops and manages research-based projects that aim to address the needs of educationally disadvantaged groups in the community.

Major projects of the ACER Foundation include the School Readiness Initiative for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children and the Australian STEM Video Games Challenge.

Donations and gifts
In making a donation to the ACER Foundation your funds will be invested in supporting activities designed to address educational disadvantage.

ACER Alumni
The ACER Alumni community has been established through the ACER Foundation to link together former and current senior staff, through activities that highlight new strategic developments in the organisation.
Working for ACER
Joining ACER means working with one of the world’s leading educational research organisations and working collaboratively across Australian and international projects.
The early years
Established in 1930, ACER has built a strong reputation as a provider of reliable support and expertise to education policy makers and professional practitioners