ACER Press is the publishing arm of the Australian Council for Educational Research.
We put research, quality and excellence – for all professionals in and around education – at the core of our resources.
With our focus on evidence in support of improved practice and outcomes, ACER Press provides the perfect platform for researchers and experts in education to write for a broad audience of teachers, school leaders, policymakers, systems managers and academics.
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Recent ACER Press publications
Kit and Arlo Find a Way
Ingrid Laguna, Vanessa Hamilton
Kit and Arlo find a way: teaching consent to 8–12 year olds is a much needed consent teaching resource for Grades 3 to 6. An action-packed and relatable fictional chapter book, Kit and Arlo is a page-turning journey of upper primary school kids – Kit, Arlo, Harley and Vanya – developing and exploring friendships with plenty of ups and downs. Entertaining and compelling as a standalone narrative, Kit and Arlo’s secret weapon is that it contains all of the complex components of consent and includes respectful relationships education in an age-appropriate format.
Leading Professional Conversations
Helen Timperley
Leading professional conversations: adaptive expertise for schools deftly outlines the key enablers for effective professional conversations – relationships, resources, processes, knowledge and culture – that support teachers to be independent learners and result in positive impacts on educational, social and emotional outcomes for students.
Featuring examples from conversations between school leaders and educators, this book is the school leader’s guide to thinking and acting evaluatively, knowledgeably, metacognitively, collaboratively, responsively and systematically, to engage in deep professional learning and genuine improvements in practice.
Ecosystem Leadership
Neil Barker
Ecosystem leadership: an approach for schools argues that in order to improve school leadership and subsequent student outcomes, principals and leadership teams need to better understand how to lead together; to be intentional about the school’s leadership and to methodically and deliberately develop a collective leadership approach.
Based on the organic and interconnected ecosystems found throughout the natural world, this book provides practical, hands-on activities and templates to assist school leaders in developing collective leadership skills and practices. The book sets out 5 key leadership elements for school leaders to address: context, vision, processes, focuses and impact.
Leading Improvement in School Community Wellbeing
Donna Cross, Leanne Lester
Leading improvement in school community wellbeing provides a framework for a set of high-impact strategies that individually and together can be the focus of improving wellbeing across the school.
The book provides school leaders with key research-based school improvement practices, authentic case studies in the form of principals’ reflections, and, crucially, practical explanations outlining how to choose a particular practice and how to successfully embed or implement that strategy within the school.