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ACER Press author guidelines

Permissions and copyright

Applying for permission

Permissions list


Applying for permission

If you are reproducing text, tables or images from other sources (including unpublished items and material from the internet) you must seek permission and may be asked to pay a fee (for which you are responsible).

When you directly quote the work of others, this may require more than simply an in-text citation. In particular, you may need to obtain permission if your quotes from another source (individually or collectively) make up a substantial, important or distinctive (but not necessarily ‘big’) part of that work.

Where you intend to reproduce tables or figures, permission should generally always be sought.

A pro forma Permissions letter requesting consent to reproduce copyright material is available for you to use.

Replies to permissions requests can take a while, so we recommend that you apply for permission as soon as you have decided to include the content in your manuscript.

If you are unable to identify the rights holder or do not receive a reply, please remove the text, table or image you intended to reproduce and find an alternative.

Permissions list

A Permissions list has also been provided to help you track your requests. Please complete this form, noting the details of permissions obtained and those you have been unable to clear. This should be returned when you submit your final manuscript, along with correspondence with copyright owners and, where possible, a copy of the page/s from the original sources.

Note that copyright generally lasts from the time the work was created until 70 years after the creator’s death. There is an exception if the creator died before 1955. This is due to the fact that, on 1 January 2005, Australia’s copyright duration was extended from 50 to 70 years, and copyrights that had expired prior to this were not included.

More information can be found via the Australian Copyright Council ( and the Copyright Agency Ltd (

Some copyright material is now made available through ‘Creative Commons’. The general rule when sharing Creative Commons content is that the conditions of the particular licence type must be followed, appropriate attribution should be provided and the relevant Creative Commons licence should be displayed alongside the shared item. For more information, visit