LLEAP eNews 2
Leading Learning in Education and Philanthropy (LLEAP) is an initiative of Tender Bridge (a research and development service of the Australian Council for Educational Research, ACER) and The Ian Potter Foundation. It investigates the impact of philanthropy in education and aims to build knowledge and improve outcomes for schools and philanthropic supporters. The project will deliver a practical toolkit for grant makers and seekers.
A LLEAP Advisory Group, with representatives from philanthropy and education, is monitoring progress and providing additional knowledge and expertise throughout the project. You can read more about LLEAP and ‘meet’ the project team via https://lleap.acer.edu.au
Update on Phase 2: Surveys
The LLEAP project team has now completed almost forty interviews with a sample of schools, philanthropic trusts/foundations and not-for-profit organisations from across Australia. The information captured from these interviews has been used to guide the development of two online national surveys, the first of which – the LLEAP Philanthropic Survey – was released on Monday 11th July 2011 via email invitations.
This survey is designed to explore such areas as: target audiences and priorities for giving; how to ensure maximum impact; and whether a philanthropic foundation / trust can offer grants directly to schools or whether they offer grants in education via an eligible third party organisation. The Philanthropic survey will remain open until COB Monday 1st August 2011.
What next?
The school and not for profit LLEAP survey will go ‘live’ at the beginning of Term 3 (late July 2011). Again, this survey will be guided by the interview phase of the LLEAP project.
A summary of the interview feedback will also be used to develop an issues paper. This will be posted on the LLEAP website and we will be calling for comments and feedback.
How can you get involved?
Do you know someone who you think should receive an invitation to complete the LLEAP Philanthropic Survey? Then email Michelle Anderson (Tender Bridge, ACER) at tenderbridge@acer.edu.au.
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