LLEAP eNews 1
Noted historian and governor of The Ian Potter Foundation, Professor Geoffrey Blainey (AC) launched the LLEAP project in March this year. According to Blainey, ‘In philanthropy and education, as in everything, there are better ways of doing things. We should be hunting for them. We need to find ways to do the really important activities more effectively: education is one. By collaborating we may find a smarter path.’
The three-year Leading Learning in Education and Philanthropy (LLEAP) project aims to find ways to improve the quality of grant seeking and grant making in Australia, to build knowledge and improve outcomes for schools and philanthropic supporters. The research will also investigate the impact of philanthropy in education. The LLEAP project is an initiative of Tender Bridge in partnership with The Ian Potter Foundation.
Professor Geoffrey Blainey (AC) launching LLEAP
LLEAP Advisory Group Announced
We are pleased to announce that the LLEAP Advisory Group has been formed. The purpose of the Advisory Group is to monitor the progress of the LLEAP project, particularly at key milestones and to provide additional knowledge and expertise about philanthropy and education in order to maximise learning from the project as it progresses.
The LLEAP Advisory Group consists of:
1. Professor Brian Caldwell (Chair, LLEAP Advisory Group and Managing Director, Educational Transformations Pty Ltd; Professorial Fellow, University of Melbourne (Dean of Education 1998-2004); Associate Director, International Networking for Educational Transformation (iNet) Specialist Schools and Academies Trust (SSAT); Deputy Chair of Board, Australian Council for Educational Research, ACER)
2. Inga Peulich (Parliamentary Secretary for Education, Vic)
3. Annie Fogarty (Executive Chair, Fogarty Foundation, WA)
4. Dr Deborah Seifert (Chief Executive Officer, Philanthropy Australia)
5. Rosalyn Black (Senior Manager, Research and Evaluation, Foundation for Young Australians)
6. Dr Sue Thomson (Head of Educational Monitoring and Research; Research Director, National Surveys Research Program, ACER)
7. Paula Barnett (Principal, Berendale School)
8. William Hatzis (Assistant Principal, Werribee Secondary College)
9. Catherine Brown (Director, Catherine Brown & Associates; LLEAP Project)
10. Janet Hirst (Chief Executive Officer, The Ian Potter Foundation; LLEAP Project)
11. Dr Michelle Anderson (Senior Research Fellow, ACER, Tender Bridge; LLEAP Project Director)
Back Row (LtoR): Inga Peulich, Catherine Brown, William Hatzis, Sue Thomson; Middle Row (LtoR): Deborah Seifert, Paula Barnett; Front Row (LtoR): Janet Hirst, Brian Caldwell, Michelle Anderson. Inset: Annie Fogarty
Update on Phase 1: Interviews
The LLEAP project team is currently undertaking interviews with a sample of schools, philanthropic trusts/foundations and not-for-profit organizations from across Australia. The purpose of this interview phase is to capture the issues that matter most when it comes to grant seeking and grant making in Australia. Once the interviews are completed, we will send out another LLEAP E-NEWS update and post a summary of the interview feedback on the LLEAP website. The summary will provide those of you not directly involved in the interviews with an opportunity read and email us with your comments too! Analysis of the interviews will also be used to guide the development of items for the survey phase of this project.
Go to LLEAP website for further information about the project and contact details https://lleap.acer.edu.au