Free Practice Tests

The free sample questions provided online are examples of the types of questions in the assessments, but do not necessarily indicate the full range of questions or their difficulty. They are designed to provide some guidance about what to expect and to help you to prepare for the test. However, success in the sample questions does not guarantee or imply success in the actual assessment.

The majority of questions are auto-scored, with the correct answer displayed in green upon review of the test. In the numeracy assessment, a number of questions are open text answers. The correct answers for these questions are:

1. 52.5L
2. $54.75
3. 69 metres
4. C 54
5. $4610
6. $9013.66 or correct rounding to nearest 10 cents ($9013.70) or dollar ($9014)
7. $19,085.34 or correct rounding to the nearest 10 cents ($19,085.30) or dollar ($19,085)
8. 34 bricks
9. 4 sleepers
10. 8 Bags