Creating an Engaged Society
The LLEAP 2011 findings showed that ‘student engagement’ was a key area of focus for schools, not-for-profits working in education and philanthropic foundations and trusts. So the Tender Bridge team was very pleased with thanks to the additional support from the Origin Foundation to offer a LLEAP Special Event in October 2012.
Drawing on current research and innovative practices, Bill Lucas explored the topic of student engagement, illustrating his session with examples of collaboration involving different combinations of philanthropic, not-for-profit, government, education and business.
Bill’s publications
Author, among other things, of:
- New Kinds of Smart: how the science of learnable intelligence is changing education (with Guy Claxton, Open University Press, 2010
- Bodies of Knowledge: how the learning sciences could transform practical and vocational education (with Guy Claxton, Edge Foundation, 2010)
- Mind the Gap: Research and reality in practical and vocational education (with Guy Claxton, Edge Foundation, 2010)
- rEvolution: how to thrive in crazy times, (Crown House Publishing, 2009)
- Wider skills for learning: what are they, how can they be cultivated, how can they be measured and why are they important for innovation? (with Guy Claxton, NESTA, 2009)
- The Creative Thinking Plan (with Guy Claxton, BBC Books 2007)
- Happy Families: how to make one how to keep one, BBC Active, 2006
- Involving parents in schools, Network Continuum, 2006
- Boost your mind power week by week, Duncan Baird, 2006
- Discover your hidden talents: the essential guide to lifelong learning, Network Educational Press, 2005
- Help your child to succeed (with Alistair Smith, Network Educational Press, 2002, revised 2009)
- Teaching pupils how to learn, Campaign for Learning, 2002
- Power up your mind: learn faster, work smarter, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, 2002
Bill’s websites (Co-Director) (Chair) (Trustee)