Broadening and connecting learning for students
Rooty Hill High School, Western Sydney
As a result of a relatively small initial grant from the Asia Education Foundation three years sgo, Rooty Hill High School has shifted its focus from doing an Asia Literacy ‘project’ to a much more inclusive and expansive program that involves hosting the western Sydney region Confucius Classroom (sponsored by Hanban, the Chinese government’s international program). Read more about Rooty Hill High School, Western Sydney
BackTrack Youth Works
BackTrack School began as a pilot in March 2013. The
school is part of the broader offerings of BackTrack Youth Works, a not-for-profit organisation servicing Armidale and surrounding areas in New South Wales since 2006. BackTrack’s goal is to take the most marginalised and disengaged youth demographic and empower them to make positive life choices and foster successful long-term integration into industry and the community, thereby not only improving the quality
of life of the participants, but also strengthening the wellbeing of the entire community. Read more about BackTrack Youth Works
KidsThrive: InSchools Philanthropy
The Kids Thrive InSchools Philanthropy (KTISP) program enables primary school-aged children to connect
with their communities through philanthropy. Young children engage with their significant adults, the professionals who work with them, and with their communities through arts-based experiences. Read more about KidsThrive: InSchools Philanthropy
Kids’ Own Publishing
Kids’ Own Publishing gives voice and agency to the most vulnerable members of the community through the collaborative creation of books that are published by children for children. Read more about Kids' Own Publishing
Cowan Grant
Cowan Grants support a number of scholarships
at universities in South Australia and Queensland
for students experiencing financial, geographic and
other forms of disadvantage. Depending on the grant,
students use the financial support in different ways.
This may include contributing to the purchase of a musical instrument or assisting with travel and accommodation expenses. Read more about Cowan Grant
Cowan Trust Young Endeavour Practicum Grants
The Cowan Trust Young Endeavour Practicum Grants involve a 10-day berth on the STS - Young Endeavour. Australian youth learn how to sail while developing a range of life and leadership skills. The Cowan Trust funds the University of South Australia to select one to three undergraduate students each year to complete the program. Read more about Cowan Trust Young Endeavour Practicum Grants.
Learning Neighbourhood Asia Literacy project
The Learning Neighbourhood Asia Literacy project was established when four schools in New South Wales received a $35K grant from the Asia Education Foundation. The schools (one high school and three primary schools) wanted to use the grant to develop a project to focus on language and culture. The aims of the project were to: 1) Build teacher and student understanding of Asian culture; and 2) Improve the teaching of Mandarin in the middle years of schooling. Real-time video-links facilitated the teaching of Mandarin across the schools. Read more about Learning Neighbourhood Asia Literacy project.
InSchools Philanthropy
The InSchools Philanthropy pilot is part of the social enterprise stream of the not-for-profit organisation, Kids Thrive. The program’s arts approach empowers primary school aged children to connect with their communities through philanthropy. The children immerse themselves in music, writing, play-acting, drawing and dance to understand and explore philanthropy, community and their personal values/motivators. Read more about InSchools Philanthropy.
Youth in Philanthropy
The Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation’s Youth in Philanthropy program aims to help secondary school students learn about philanthropy, social issues and community leadership. Underpinning the program, is the intent to inspire young people to begin a life-long commitment to giving through activities that have a positive impact on the communities they live and will, one day, work in. Read more about Youth in Philanthropy.
Kids In Philanthropy
The focus of Kids In Philanthropy is to build social awareness, a social conscience and a practice of giving by children, for children. Kids In Philanthropy engages children between the ages of 5 and 18 years, and their families, in an annual program of proactive philanthropy where activity is focused on raising awareness of areas of need in their own city, and providing opportunities for these young people to take a leadership role in addressing these areas of need. Read more about Kids In Philanthropy.