LLEAP eNews 3
Results in from national surveys on philanthropy in education
There is a need to break down barriers of grant seeking and grant making – They are very different worlds and worlds that don’t collide naturally. (Foundation CEO)
- 302 respondents (schools, not-for-profits and philanthropic foundations and trusts)
- For the first time in Australia, the topic of philanthropy in education has been investigated nationally from the perspectives of schools, not-for-profits and philanthropic foundations and trusts.
A taste of the LLEAP results
- 92% of school respondents identify as new or novice in philanthropic grant seeking
- 77% of not-for-profit respondents identify as experienced or expert in philanthropic grant seeking.
- 25% reported a philanthropic education-related budget in the last financial year of between $501,000 - $1 million.
- Grants under $51K more common than over $51K
- Philanthropy’s impact in education goes beyond the provision of grants. They are also sources of professional guidance and expertise; brokers or facilitators of introductions
- Top five priority areas for grant seekers and grant makers
1. Literacy and numeracy
2. Student engagement
3. Quality teaching
4. Digital/online learning
4. (=) Ongoing professional learning
5. Student leadershipNot-for-profits
1. Community education
2. Community partnerships
2. (=) Student engagement
3. Literacy and numeracy
3. (=) Mentoring
4. Educational play
5. Student leadership development
5. (=) Student retentionPhilanthropics
1. Literacy and numeracy
2. Student engagement
3. Student retention
4. No specific area of focus
5. Mental health services and/or education
Leading Learning in Education and Philanthropy (LLEAP) 2011 Survey Report
(Schools, not-for-profits philanthropic foundations and trusts in Australia)
LLEAP 2011 Survey Report - Executive Summary
Year 1 of LLEAP
- 40 interviews (schools, not-for-profits and philanthropic foundations and trusts)
- 3 national surveys (138 schools, 84 philanthropics, 80 not-for-profits)
- 3 formal feedback sessions on the survey results
- 1 LLEAP Advisory Group set up to advise on the project’s development and progress
- 1 national report on the LLEAP national surveys
- 1 practical LLEAP Dialogue Series – An evidence-based guide to grow your ideas in education for maximum impact (for new and novice grant makers and grant seekers) – Out next year.
We are seeking examples of effective engagement of philanthropy in education to include as cases within the LLEAP Guide.
1. Do you have an example that reflects two of more of the success factors below?
If so, let us know and we will get in contact with you to discuss:
Dr Michelle Anderson and Dr Emma Curtin at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
LLEAP shows 10 key success factors for the effective engagement of philanthropy in education. There is evidence of:
- Building capacity
- Making informed decisions
- Knowledge in education and philanthropy context
- A good fit
- Commitment of appropriate resourcing
- Effective communication
- Role clarity
- Relationships based on the foundation of trust
- Reciprocity
- Being impact focused
LLEAP 2011 Survey Report - Success Factors
LLEAP is an initiative of Tender Bridge in partnership and with funding in the first year from The Ian Potter Foundation. Tender Bridge is a national research and development service of the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)