International assessment gets new, more effective way of reporting
ACER news 30 Jul 2024 4 minute readStudent achievement in the International Benchmark Tests (IBT) will now be reported with help of the ACER Data Explorer.
With the ACER Data Explorer, schools that use the International Benchmark Tests to track student learning progress and benchmark performance will receive rich and instant feedback on their students’ achievement.
Since 2007, schools affiliated with different educational boards throughout India have participated in IBT. It is a competency-based assessment in English, mathematics, science and reasoning for students in grades 3 to 10.
The ACER Data Explorer allows schools to analyse their IBT results even more effectively to gain valuable, actionable insights from their results.
Greater diagnostic power
The ACER Data Explorer provides new, easy-to-use pathways that help you understand and interpret your students’ results. You can visualise an individual student or group of students’ achievement against national and international standards, measure progress over time, and read descriptive achievement bands to find out the skills and knowledge students are likely to have or are working towards.
Instant and interactive
The ACER Data Explorer helps to sort and filter student results easily to identify patterns and areas that need attention. You can switch simply between reports with this highly interactive reporting tool.
‘We wanted to reduce the number of steps and decisions teachers have to make before getting student results,’ ACER’s Toby Newton, the driving force behind its design, explains.
‘With the ACER Data Explorer, we flipped reporting on its head – now you see the data first and go from there, drilling down into data by switching between report types, changing dates and applying filters.’
The result is a dynamic and intuitive interface for exploring student achievement.
Personalised teaching
It is possible to view in detail the achievement of grade levels, class groups and individual students on the IBT, including the questions answered correctly and descriptions of each question. The ACER Data Explorer helps to translate the scale scores into meaningful descriptions of students’ abilities and knowledge. This enables you to inform your teaching with evidence-based insights to improve learning outcomes of individual students, grades, and the school.
To know more about the ACER Data Explorer, contact: sales.india@acer.org