New quick guides for accessing your PAT reports and data
Feature 30 Nov 2023 3 minute readNeed some advice on generating your PAT reports? We have new video guides to help you explore your data.
Our new ‘how to’ videos are succinct guides to creating and understanding your PAT reports, with a focus on helping you determine where each of your students are in their learning and targeting your teaching accordingly.
We have created one guide for PAT Adaptive and the ACER Data Explorer, and another for our linear assessments. So whichever PAT assessment you use, there is advice available.
Each video provides information on how to generate the key reports to identify strengths and areas for improvement, for each student and across your cohort. We have also provided timestamps below, so you can skip to the section you need the most.
PAT Adaptive and the ACER Data Explorer
00:55 – Achievement Report
08:15 – Individual Report
12:40 – Item Performance
PAT linear reports
01:10 – Bands Report
04:43 – Group Report
09:30 – Individual Report
Need further guidance? Contact our support team or email us at school.support@acer.org.