Share your insights for the Preschool Outcomes Measure
ACER news 20 Sep 2024 3 minute readTo help design the Preschool Outcomes Measure, the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) is gathering feedback from teachers and educators, parents and carers, sector leaders and the wider community.
The Australian and state and territory governments have committed to the development of the Preschool Outcomes Measure.
The Preschool Outcomes Measure will support high-quality practice by equipping teachers and educators with access to a validated assessment tool for voluntary use to inform children’s learning.
The Preschool Outcomes Measure will include new national learning progressions and a new formative assessment tool that will align with approved frameworks, such as the National Quality Standard and the Early Years Learning Framework (V2).
It will provide a research-based and freely available way for teachers and educators to understand and support children’s learning in play-based programs.
ACER is leading the development of the Preschool Outcomes Measure, in partnership with Goodstart Early Learning and Ninti One.
To provide insight and feedback that will help design the Preschool Outcomes Measure, use this link to a national questionnaire.
To find out more, visit ACER's Preschool Outcomes Measure page, go to the Department of Education or ACER email: preschooloutcomesmeasure@acer.org