DBSE announces its first Board examination result
ACER news 16 May 2023 4 minute readOn 15 May, the Delhi Board of School Education announced the results of its first Secondary Certificate Assessment and Senior Secondary Certificate Assessment for the academic year 2022-23.
The Australian Council for Educational Research (India) is working closely with the Delhi Board of School Education (DBSE) to provide technical assistance in design, analysis and reporting for the Board’s Secondary Certificate Assessment (SCA) and Senior Secondary Certificate Assessment (SSCA), as part of its broader support to the management of DBSE.
SCA and SSCA for the academic year 2022-23 were conducted in 2 terms. At the end of the term, in March, 1594 students of grade 10 and 672 students of grade 12 had appeared for the assessments from 20 Dr B.R. Ambedkar Schools for Specialised Excellence (SoSE).
Amit Kaushik, CEO, ACER India, said, ‘ACER India is delighted to have partnered with DBSE to deliver a criterion-referenced competency-based assessment for the grade 10 and 12 annual exams, one of the first by any board in the country. DBSE seeks to provide every student in Delhi with a world-class education that encourages creativity and innovation, and helps prepare students for future life and work.’
SCA (grade 10 key stage exam) and SSCA (grade 12 school leaving exam) are competency-based, and student achievements are reported based on internal and external assessments in accordance with the recommendations of the National Education Policy 2020. The assessments are designed so that student performance is reported against a pre-determined and clearly defined set of criteria.
In both assessments, student achievements are reported on a 7-point scale, with grade point 7 being the highest-grade point that a student can achieve. Student grades are obtained from levels linked with subject-specific criteria which have fine-grained descriptions of student knowledge and skills. Such qualitative descriptions provide detailed feedback to students, helping them to progress in their individual learning journeys.
Dr Priyanka Sharma, Director, Research, who has worked closely with DBSE added, 'DBSE assessment schema is aligned with the characteristics of coherent learning systems where learning objectives drive assessment criteria. These criteria are what students are required to do in order to demonstrate the learning outcomes they have achieved and act as a common point of reference for students, teachers, and assessors. This in turn makes a system transparent and accountable. Most importantly, students are not dependent on the performance of others to give meaning to their own performance.'
To read the full press release from DBSE, visit this Twitter page.