Bulldogs learn new tricks from school principals
Media release 29 Nov 2010 3 minute readWestern Bulldogs Football Club officials will learn some new tricks this week when they become Principal for a Day at local schools.
For immediate release 29 November 2010
Western Bulldogs Football Club officials will learn some new tricks this week when they become Principal for a Day at local schools.
Bulldogs Chief Commercial Officer and former player Simon Garlick will spend Wednesday 1 December at St Albans Primary School where he will shadow the school principal in her day-to-day activities and discuss the challenges and current issues each faces in their leadership roles.
“The Western Bulldogs pride themselves on being the Community Club of the AFL,” Bulldogs Education and Development Manager, Brett Daniher said.
Daniher said the club sees education and training as the way in which the Bulldogs can honour their commitment by building resources, achieving goals and educating people by making a positive difference for all.
2010 marks the 10th anniversary of the Principal for a Day program, a joint partnership between the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) and the Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development (DEECD).
“Principal for a Day provides a unique opportunity for business and community leaders to gain a first-hand, behind-the-scenes experience of the strengths and challenges facing schools every day,” ACER chief executive Professor Geoff Masters said.
“Research shows that there are benefits in forming partnerships between schools, business and the wider community,” Professor Masters said. “The Principal for a Day program can help forge these partnerships.”
On Tuesday 30 November a number of other Western Bulldogs club officials will also participate in the program: Board Member Geoff Walsh will become Principal for a Day at Footscray Primary School; Board Member Gaye Hamilton at Altona Meadows Primary School; Engaged Communities Manager Kiemi Lai at Spotswood Primary School; and Multicultural Development Officer Nish Moses at Mother of God Primary School in Ardeer.
The Western Bulldogs Football Club has participated in the program since 2006 and during this time has provided Principals for a Day at over 50 schools. These same schools also participate in their Bulldogs Friendly Schools program.
The main Principal for a Day event in Victoria took place on 24 August when more than 100 business and community leaders took the reins of schools across the state. The Bulldogs delayed their Principal for a Day roles due to the club’s participation in the AFL finals series.