NSW HSC Examination Review report to be presented in March 2002
Media release 20 Feb 2002 2 minute readACER Executive Director, Professor Geoff Masters, will report to the NSW Board of Studies in March 2002 on his review of the implementation of the new standards-referenced HSC examination and marking processes.
Professor Masters is currently reviewing processes for setting HSC examinations, developing marking guidelines, marking examinations, and determining the standards of achievement students have demonstrated. He is also examining the quality assurance procedures of the Board of Studies.
A public call for submissions to the review was made in January, and consultations with a range of peak bodies and interest groups were conducted in Sydney in February. Professor Masters will deliver his report by the end of March.
Terms of reference for the NSW HSC Examination Program Review:
"The reviewer will report to the Board of Studies in March 2002 on the implementation of the new standards-referenced HSC examination and marking process.
The review will consider the quality and effectiveness of:
(a) The process for setting the examinations and developing marking guidelines in the new standards environment.
(b) The procedures for marking the examinations and determining the standard of achievement students have demonstrated.
(c) The Board's quality assurance procedures for developing the examinations, marking examination papers and validating results.
The review will also examine and report on issues raised by students, teachers and interest groups concerning the examinations and marking processes for 2001."